3D Viewing & Clipping


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Table of Contents

3D Viewing & Clipping

Where do geometries come from?

Getting Geometry on the Screen

Viewing and Projection

Pinhole Optics

Perspective Projection of a Point

Problems with Pinholes

Image Formation

Orthographic Projection

A Simple Perspective Camera

Similar Triangles

A Perspective Projection Matrix

Wait, there’s more!

The View Volume

But wait...

Camera Control Values

A Popular View Specification Approach


The Whole Picture

It's a Piece of Cake

Virtual Trackballs


Normalizing the Viewing Frustum

The Normalized Frustum

But wait! Divide by zero? Oh. Whew.

Clipping to a Cube

Line Clipping

Line Clipping

Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm

Cohen-Sutherland Algorithm: Subdivision

Other Line Clipping Algorithms

Polygon Clipping

Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping Algorithm

Sutherland-Hodgman Polygon Clipping Algorithm (Cont.)

Cleaning Up

More Polygon Clipping (2D only)

Email: welling@psc.edu

Home Page: http://www.psc.edu/~welling